Lending private money to your own company
Lending private money to your own company: is that wise? Lending money privately to a company offers advantages and disadvantages. An important advantage is that you have the money immediately at your disposal. And then you can do whatever you want with it.
Keep in mind that on the other hand, there are also disadvantages. You are personally responsible for the loan. So is your company unable to repay the debt? Then the own money that you have lost is something you can do nothing about.
Sharefunding assumes a high level of investor involvement in the company in which they invest.
Borrow private money
Private lending to a company also has another important disadvantage. And that does not only apply to private borrowing, it is about borrowing in general.
At Eyevestor we believe that companies should grow more based on equity. And not on the basis of loans. Not from private individuals and not from banks or other institutions.Instead, private lending to a company should give way to buying shares. Sharefunding, that's what we believe in. By issuing shares as a company, making them easily accessible and collecting committed shareholders based on a mission and a passion.
At Eyevestor we believe that companies should grow more from equity than from loans.
Sharefunding: Involved ambassadors
Sharefunding avoids the need to privately lend money to a company. Instead, it offers the opportunity to make an investment. And that investment is about more than just the money. Sharefunding assumes a high level of investor involvement in the company in which they invest.
So are you thinking of lending private money to your company? Or to a company? Sharefunding is an interesting alternative. It generates the same additional capital, but without the heavy burden of an outstanding debt. Instead, it attracts committed ambassadors who believe in your and/or the company's mission and vision.
And should it go wrong, despite the investment? Then keep in mind that you will of course still lose the money privately. Sharefunding cannot prevent that. It is therefore important to set up a strong business case for both private borrowing and sharefunding. So that you can also attract more committed ambassadors.
Sharefunding avoids the need to privately lend money to a company. Instead, it offers the opportunity to make an investment. And that investment is about more than just the money. Sharefunding assumes a high level of investor involvement in the company in which they invest.
So are you thinking of lending private money to your company? Or to a company? Sharefunding is then an interesting alternative. It generates the same additional capital, but without the millstone of an outstanding debt. Instead, it attracts committed ambassadors who believe in your and/or the company's mission and vision.
And should it go wrong, despite the investment? Then keep in mind that you will of course still lose the money privately. Sharefunding cannot prevent that. It is therefore important to set up a strong business case for both private borrowing and sharefunding. Most importantly so that you can also attract more committed ambassadors.
Lending private money to your own company
Were you thinking of lending private money to your own company, but are you having second thoughts? Or do you want to delve into it a bit further? We are happy to explain to you why we believe in investing from equity. With money that you collect from sharefunders. They believe in the mission, vision and growth plans of the company. And who would like to grow with you. So that you can invest in your own business. Together with others who have the same conviction and who are happy to help you with the money they invest with.