Sharefunding® with Eyevestor

Go further with equity

Total solution

An integral solution with advanced tools. For everything from creating your inital agreements and terms to opening up your share marketplace.

Do not borrow but share

Don't start with debt, start with equity and shareholders as ambassadors. Connect and unite through sharefunding.

Involve your employees

Create the optimal culture with employee participation. Your employees become colleagues. “Informed co-workers will make responsible decisions!”


Connect with customers, partners and investors. A complete community platform to connect and motivate your co-owners. Turn them into your best ambassadors.

How does it work?

Register your company, digitalise your shares and your register and start your sharefunding campaign

Create your eyeventure. Create a user account. Personalize your profile and control what parts of your profile and your eyeventure others can see. You can also involve one of our partners to set up your eyeventure and sharefunding round.
  • Decide how and when someone can join
  • Set your price
  • Decide who, when and how you will setup you ECO (Eyeventure Community Offering)
  • Determine the valuation and which % you will use for your sharefunding round


This is where the real work lies. Determine your conditions and set up the sharefunding form. Capture complex agreements easily, clear for everyone.
  • Go public or stay private. Organize everything flexibly
  • Determine the form of participation in the form of member types
  • Determine the form of participation in Member types. You can define 4 types of co-owners
  • Complete your eyeventure, tone of voice and style so your plan and message comes across well
  • Involve an Eyevestor Partners to realise your plans optimally, fast and good

Involve and invite your shareholders and investors

Create accounts for your shareholders, reward your employees and customers with shares.
  • Create User Accounts for your shareholders
  • Check whether your company has the right legal entity
  • Digitise your shares
  • Create accounts for your shareholders
  • Transfer their positions to their accounts
  • Setup your cap table

After all the tweaking you put your campaign page live. Congratulations, your company is now listed on your own 'stock market'

Fund growth and increase engagement

Keep everyone informed through Community features. Give your investors a say. And facilitate your own marketplace.
  • Give existing shareholders their shares or issue new ones
  • Gauge the opinion of your shareholders on the community pages
  • Determine and substantiate your valuation
  • Use the subscription module and invite people to subscribe their investments
  • Convert your subscribers by giving them an account and transactions. With 1 press on a button
  • Monitor you investments real-time and get your investments paid at the end of each business day
  • Communicate and engage directly with your co-owners with the extensive community module
  • Hold online video conferences, send polls and get instant weighting of votes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sharefunding?

Sharefunding is not just financing with shares; it is a unique approach that focuses on equal interests and long-term relationships.

As a registered brand name of Eyevestor, Sharefunding® goes further than simply financing shares. Here you can define different types of shareholders, such as customers, partners, colleagues and investors, each with their own unique involvement.

With Sharefunding® you not only get access to investment opportunities, but also to various transaction types that span the entire life cycle of equity capital. There are more than 15 transaction types on the Eyevestor platform.

Think of a message board that acts as a marketplace for trading stocks, along with more than a dozen transaction types for transfers, sales, and redemptions.

Inherent in shares is connecting and involving your shareholders. That is why we summarize eyevestor as a sharefunding and engagement platform. The community module is discussed in that engagement part. There you will find functions such as post, polls, votes and your own library for documents.

Everything you need to build and maintain a healthy, long-term ownership relationship can be found at Sharefunding®.

What is Eyevestor?

Do more with your own equity as an entrepreneur! With sharefunding® on Eyevestor you can better manage your equity and build relationships with shareholders that go beyond just a financial relationship. The more involved, the more ambassador!

Eyevestor is the sharefunding® platform that gives every organization the opportunity to do more with its own assets, its share capital. This starts with digitizing the share capital and shareholders. This makes administration simpler and centralized, financing can be raised and employee participation can be easily achieved.

You also have access to a community section with which you can maintain contact with your shareholders, individually and collectively. Eyevestor offers a dynamic life cycle solution in a complete ecosystem.

We represent every company that wants to raise growth capital, start employee participation, issue new shares or create a secondary market for its shareholders.

We represent every investor who wants to buy shares in a company he believes in, which is why we started Eyevestor. To make investing, buying and selling shares more accessible.

We stand for accessibility and liquidity for everyone. We stand for freedom and value. We have a stake in each other. Dare to share.
What is our vision?

The majority of people are customers, employees of SMEs. Yet SMEs cannot do much with their most beautiful product: the share. By dividing you multiply and so you get a share company. We want to break open the global equity market, one of the most inefficient and secretive industries in the world.

We want people to invest again because of involvement and interest, in an accessible way. That people invest in each other, locally and globally. Our vision – Dare to share! Sharing increases your reach. To divide is to multiply. Eyevestor makes this possible.

What about regulatory compliance?

We believe it is of the utmost importance to provide a completely legal platform. Eyevestor is the only Sharefunding® platform that has a European Crowdfunding license (ECSPR).

As an ecosystem, Eyevestor is designed and built in such a way that Eyevestor and its stakeholders act according to and within AFM and ESMA guidelines and, if this is not the case, they can be acted upon accordingly. We refer to our General & Terms of Use.

What is our product?

The core of the platform is very simple. It gives entrepreneurs new opportunities to achieve more with shares. To sell them in exchange for work and/or capital, to distribute them, reward them or whatever the company wants to do with them. With the Engagement section of Eyevestor you can optimally serve your community and make them ambassadors of your company.

The smart thing is that entrepreneurs choose the conditions on which they sell their shares and how active they want investors to be. This way you can determine four different types of co-owners yourself.

In fact, eyevestor is intended and possible for every phase of every company. Whether you have an idea, are a startup, a scale-up or an SME or family business, you can use Eyevestor to easily make a private or public sale of (part of) the company, so that the sale is safe, modern, accessible. , legally and transparently verifiable.

Anyone involved can participate from any desired location via Eyevestor. We then also offer private primary and secondary markets, both a marketplace and a notice board, where investors can buy and sell shares from each other, again according to the conditions drawn up by the entrepreneur.
What problems do we solve?

Eyevestor solves several problems and offers valuable solutions to use equity for entrepreneurs, shareholders and investors:

  1. Financial Diversification:
    Eyevestor makes it possible for businesses to diversify their sources of financing, reducing their reliance on traditional financing methods such as loans.

  2. Community-building and loyalty:
    The platform facilitates the building of engaged communities, driving loyalty and engagement, resulting in strong customer relationships and brand loyalty. Each type of stakeholder can be set up within the four member types that Eyevestor offers.

  3. Flexibility in share structure:
    Sharefunding through Eyevestor offers companies the flexibility to tailor equity structures to specific needs and goals, creating tailor-made solutions that fit the company's strategy and (envisaged) corporate culture.

  4. Innovative Talent Attraction:
    The platform offers an innovative way to attract talent by engaging employees through equity participation. This can serve as a powerful tool for attracting and retaining high-quality professionals. All types of participation instruments can be set up; options, SAFE, depositary receipts, shares and other (future) equity rewards units.

  5. Market Transparency and Trust:
    Eyevestor contributes to greater transparency in the stock market by providing an open platform where investors can easily obtain information. This boosts investor confidence and promotes a positive image for the company. The company has all the options to set its level of transparency. The eyevestor platform excels in flexibility and verifiable transparent reporting capabilities.

  6. Driving innovation and awareness:
    Sharefunding can incentivize companies to be innovative in financing, as it allows them to raise and manage capital in new ways. At the same time, it also stimulates awareness by generating news and PR opportunities and connecting more people with similar interests.

  7. Increased Liquidity for Shareholders:
    Eyevestor contributes to the liquidity of shares, making it easier for shareholders to trade and get in. Liquidity makes it much easier to get involved. Who wants to get in if you can't get off?

  8. Increase Employee Engagement:
    By allowing employees to participate in company ownership, Eyevestor increases employee engagement and motivation, which can boost performance and productivity.

  9. Simplifying International Expansion:
    For internationally active companies, Eyevestor offers a streamlined way to engage shareholders worldwide, facilitating international expansion.

  10. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
    The platform can be used as a tool for corporate social responsibility by involving communities, customers, and employees in the company's success.


Eyevestor also makes a strong contribution to the ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance and the SDG – Sustainable Development Goals. In the case of the SDGs, these are:

8. Decent work and economic growth: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

10. Reducing inequality: Reducing inequality within and between countries.

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.

17. Partnerships for the Goals: Strengthening the global partnership to achieve the Goals.

With regard to the ESGs, all social and governance criteria can all be argued:

2. Social: Human Rights, Labor Practices and Labor Rights, Diversity and Inclusion, Community Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, and Product Safety.

3. Governance: Transparency and accountability, business ethics and integrity, governance structure and independence, remuneration practices, stakeholder rights.

By embracing Eyevestor and sharefunding, companies can reap financial, operational, and strategic benefits that fit the modern business environment.

Eyevestor makes buying and selling stocks accessible and simple, offering a one-stop solution with advanced tools to turn equity into relevant equity. It enables companies to do more with their equity, providing opportunity, choice, freedom and value.

The platform is designed to be a professional and digital share capital management system, suitable for companies of different sizes. The aim is to interactively involve shareholders and stakeholders and to optimise the value of shares.

Can I see how Eyevestor works?

Yes – register and create your Eyeventure - the online environment of your company - for free (Create an Eyeventure). Be sure to invest in an eyeventure. Then you also experience what all your stakeholders will experience. Simple and accessible. We have four different subscription options - PREP, GO, SHARE, FUND! With PREP you can experience Eyevestor and see what is involved.

Is the Eyecon a coin or a crypto?

The Eyecon is the unit that legally represents it. It is the digital representation of the legal property rights that the Eyeventure (the company on Eyevestor) manages and the Eyeconholders own or invest in. For each Eyeventure / company, this depends on the entity (Eyeventure) that is managed in the Eyeventure. Eyecons are usually digital representations of:

1. Shares (NV) or

2. Certificates of Shares (STAK**) or

3. Membership Rights (Coop) We believe it is of the utmost importance to provide a fully legal platform.

Other instruments and points will be added to this. It is always correctly displayed on the Legal tab of every Eyeventure.

You don't have to buy a coin or something like that before you buy an eyecon. You pay for the eyecon you buy in Euros and there is no further conversion that takes place.

Can every company join Eyevestor?

In principle yes. Under the GO subscription you can have up to 20 accounts and no legal entity or legal effect is required. Your eye venture is private under the GO subscription. If you want more accounts or to be publicly visible, you will have to upgrade to a SHARE or FUND subscription. You can find more about it on the pricing page.

What control does Eyevestor exercise over Eyeventures?

As little as possible and at the same time as much as possible to ensure that Eyevestor remains a healthy ecosystem. The main intention is that what happens happens bilaterally between the buyer and seller and the co-owner and the company (the eye venture). The intention is that everything that happens in an Eyeventure happens bilaterally between the entrepreneur and investor.

The main check that Eyevestor does is to validate that what Eyeventure says it sells is correct and not misleading. Even then, all responsibility lies between the bilateral parties. We believe in culture and infrastructure, not in rules from above. Eyevestor always reserves the right to intervene reactively or proactively. More details can be found on our pricing page.

You have registered Sharefunding®, what does that mean?

Sharefunding® is not just a variant of crowdfunding; it is considerably more than that.

We are particularly grateful that sharefunding is now starting to develop its own identity.

At the same time, we also see that various parties misuse the term in deviation from the original meaning that we, as creators of the term, gave it. To combat this and give more strength to the authenticity of sharefunding, we have registered the term.

What is a share or shareholders register?

A shareholders register is a formal document that records the details of a company's shareholders, including their names, contact information and the number of shares they hold.

Updating this register is essential to comply with mandatory requirements. Previously, this required the involvement of a notary.

Nowadays other solutions are possible. Orderly and accurate record keeping remains the ultimate responsibility of the entity's management.

With Eyevestor we've taken this process down a notch, making it simple, scalable and accessible so you can meet your legal obligations without hassle.

What is a Cap table?

A cap table, short for 'capitalization table', contains company information about securities and shared prices to provide an accurate breakdown of the company's ownership as recorded in the register. Keeping the cap table accurate is critical. It also aims to model scenarios on how to plan for financing rounds, IPOs, mergers or acquisitions. In other words, keeping good records is crucial for (long-term) decisions.

Why is it important to maintain your share register and cap table?

Consciously or unconsciously, as an entrepreneur you get up every day to work on the value of your shares. Your share register and your Cap table are like other valuable documents that you keep in a safe. One day you will want to cash in your shares.

It is valuable, essential accounting data for regulatory compliance, financial planning, and shareholder-investor relations.

They help a company keep track of who owns how much of the company and are therefore fundamental to financing, stock and financial transactions.

Before everything could be tracked digitally, it was always an important task to involve an independent third party, such as the notary. The board of the entity or foundation is still ultimately responsible for orderly management. Eyevestor offers the modern solution by giving everyone who is a co-owner their own account and you as an entrepreneur all the necessary (transaction) options. There is nothing more complete, more scalable or simpler.

How can I get help setting up and supervising my register, my eye venture, my marketing and my funding round?

Every day we work to make our platform more user-friendly. An important aspect is making decisions among the many choices on offer. Shares and equity relate to all aspects of your company, from strategy and culture to finances, valuation, proposition, communication, PR and marketing.

Every company is unique, with different existing resources and skills. It can vary which resources you already have and which you still need to make your plans successful.

Fortunately, we have great Sharefunding® partners who provide expertise in various areas such as strategy, implementation, PR, marketing, financing and more. On the Sharefunding® partners page you can indicate which expertise you need and which partners suit this. The areas of expertise are determined by the Sharefunding® partners themselves.

To help you decide whether guidance is needed and which partner suits you best, we have also developed the Sharefunding Readiness Check. Complete this and we will contact you quickly.

Once you've set up your "eyeventure," you'll get access to a library of manuals and work guides. This allows you to get started with confidence.

REquest a demo

We will discuss all your needs and the flexible options

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Let's talk Willemijn Ninaber-Wortelboer