Investing in local companies

How to handle?

Investing in local companies

Investing in local companies: how do you do that? You can effortlessly invest in the largest technology companies, a complex stock index or commodities such as gold via the well-known (online) brokers. How do you find the local companies that are looking for capital to grow with?

At Eyevestor, we believe in a strong bond between shareholders and the companies in which they invest. Or rather, between those companies and their ambassadors. The high level of involvement creates a bond. You know what is going on, you know the objectives of the company and you help achieve those goals with your investment.

How nice is it to be invested in the local store where you shop?

How does it work?

We help you invest in local businesses. These are sometimes small companies (, sometimes specifically technology companies ( or might well be completely different organizations. The offer is diverse, because we are there as a platform for every company that believes in sharefunding.

We offer you the opportunity to invest in local companies, both in your area and in the rest of the Netherlands. They are start-ups, scale-ups and other companies. They are all looking for more capital, in exchange for which they are happy to make you co-owner of their organization.

Intersport The local intersport Zierikzee van Bas is shared-funded by the local community

Invest in local companies

By investing in local companies you are involved in the plans, objectives and developments. The money goes into the local, regional or national economy. And it does not disappear to a distant foreign country, where you can easily lose sight of it. The high level of involvement creates a bond, so that you actually get to know the company in which you invest and in the meantime help it to grow.